Alumni Activities

AFS Deaf Awareness 2011 (FEB)

Kem Motivasi dan Kecemerlangan Akademik Pelajar Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pendengaran

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ibrahim Fikri, Terengganu sekali lagi menjemput Persekutuan Orang Pekak Malaysia (MFD) untuk memberi galakkan dan motivasi kepada pelajar-pelajar Pekak sekolah itu di Kem Motivasi dan Kecemerlangan Akademik Pelajar Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pendengaran. Kem kali ini diadakan di Angullia Resort Hall, Marang selama 3 hari dari 1 hingga 3hb Mac 2010. Seramai 37 pelajar lelaki dan 25 orang pelajar perempuan telah menyertai kem tersebut.

MFD telah menghantar 5 orang Pekak dan 2 jurubahasa isyarat untuk menjadi fasilitator kem tersebut iaitu Cik Nur Zahirah Md. Noor, Cik Noor Arishawani Noor Adzmy, Cik Affifah Abdul Rais, En. Farhan Kamarzaman dan En. Benny Liew Tim Choy. Jurubahasa Isyarat pula ialah Cik Darmah Abdullah dan En. Khalid Abdul Walid.

En. Farhan dan En. Benny pernah dipilih untuk menyertai Program YES (Youth Exchange and Study) di bawah tajaan kerajaan Amerika Syarikat dan dikendalikan oleh Antarabudaya Malaysia (AFS Malaysia).

Kem Motivasi dipenuhi dengan aktiviti dan ceramah untuk membuka minda para pelajar Pekak untuk terus berusaha memperbaiki kelemahan dalam pembelajaran mereka.

Majlis penutupan kem telah dirasmikan oleh Ketua Sektor Pendidikan Khas dan Swasta Jabatan Pelajaran Terengganu, Tuan Haji Ngah Bin Bidin

Laporan oleh MFD.

Pelajar-pelajar lelaki yang menyertai kem tersebut
(Boy students who participated in the camp)

Pelajar-pelajar perempuan yang menyertai kem motivasi tersebut
(Gal students who participated in the motivational camp)

Mendengar taklimat aktiviti
(Heard a presentation of activities)

Aktiviti untuk merangsang minda dan kerjasama

(Activities to stimulate and co-operation)

En. Farhan dan Cik Noor Arishawani sedang memberi ceramah motivasi
 (Mr . Farhan and Ms. Noor Arishawani giving motivational talks)

Salah satu kumpulan sedang memberi penerangan hasil kerja mereka
(One of the group is to give explanations of their work)

(Translate Malaysia to English)

Camp Motivation and Academic Achievement of Special Education Hearing Impaired Students

SMK Ibrahim Fikri, Terengganu once again invite the Federation of the Deaf (MFD) to provide encouragement and motivation to students at the school Deaf Camp Motivation and Academic Achievement of Special Education Hearing Impaired Students. This camp was held at the Hall Angullia Resort, Marang for three days from first to third March 2010. A total of 37 boys and 25 girls participated in the camp.
MFD has sent five deaf people and two Deaf sign language interpreters to be the facilitator of the camp that Ms. Nur Zahirah Md. Noor, Ms. Noor Noor Arishawani Adzmy, Ms. Affifah Abdul Rais, Mr. Farhan Kamarzaman and Mr. Benny Liew Tim Choy. Sign language interpreters are also Darmah Ms Abdullah and En. Khalid Abdul Walid.
Mr Farhan and Mr Benny have chosen to join the YES Program (Youth Exchange and Study) under the sponsorship of the United States government and operated by the intercultural Malaysia (AFS Malaysia).
Motivation camp filled with activities and talks to open the minds of the Deaf student to continue to improve weaknesses in their learning.
Camp closing ceremony was officiated by the Head of Special Education and Private Sector Department of Education City, Tuan Haji Ngah Bin Bidin
Reports by MFD.
SMK Ibrahim Fikri, Terengganu once again invite the Federation of the Deaf (MFD) to provide encouragement and motivation to students at the school Deaf Camp Motivation and Academic Achievement of Special Education Hearing Impaired Students. This camp was held at the Hall Angullia Resort, Marang for three days from first to 3rd March 2010. A total of 37 boys and 25 girls participated in the camp.
MFD has sent five men and two Deaf sign language interpreters to be the facilitator of the camp that Ms. Nur Zahirah Md. Noor, Ms. Noor Noor Arishawani Adzmy, Ms. Affifah Abdul Rais, En. Kamarzaman and Mr. Farhan. Benny Liew Tim Choy. Sign language interpreters are also Darmah Ms Abdullah and En. Khalid Abdul Walid.
En. And Mr. Farhan. Benny has chosen to join the YES Program (Youth Exchange and Study) under the sponsorship of the United States government and operated by the intercultural Malaysia (AFS Malaysia).
Motivation camp filled with activities and talks to open the minds of the Deaf student to continue to improve weaknesses in their learning.
Camp closing ceremony was officiated by the Head of Special Education and Private Sector Department of Education City, Tuan Haji Ngah Bin Bidin
Reports by MFD.
Article translation by Volunteer Deaf Malaysia.